Friday, 12 February 2010

The Beginning

Week 1:

Nothing much happened today; we just got introduced to the module and discussed what classifies a device as a mobile gaming platform.

From what I can gather, by the end of the module I should have developed my understanding and skill set (both in design as well as coding) on general mobile devices and their games, as well as how it has evolved within social circles and its technical aspects.

What classifies a device as a mobile platform?

I think in the simplest form, a mobile platform is a device which provides the user with a point of interaction whilst returning feedback while on the move. In our case, this doesn’t necessarily mean it has to be a dedicated gaming platform; portable media players as well as PDA’s can also qualify.

To be a successful mobile gaming platform, the device shouldn’t be too heavy as this will become too stressful to the wrists over a period of time. There also needs to be special thought put in to its size as having something bulky will soon become off putting, while handling something overly small will cause problems with button and screen size. The device will need to be a careful combination of both so that it seamlessly blends in to ones life.

The types of games that are catered for this genre will also need to meet some specific criterions. For example, the goal of the game cannot be influenced too heavily by the graphics on screen as the image clarity will be limited. There should also be a limited number button combination moves as this can lead to over enthusiastic players damaging their devices. Games that also require players to play with one hand should aim to provide the buttons within the thumbs reaching distance, attempting to strain the thumb can lead to the device being dropped/thumb soreness frequently. The games should be playable using the technology already present within the device itself, rather than having to carry around a separate accessory to make it functional (styluses are cool as they’re already attached).

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